Happy M O N D A Y! As we round into the second half of October, we also bring you VOL.2 of our #FrightFemmes15 Halloween MUA collab featuring 6 brand new looks!! Caro from Blonde2Brunette and I were both inspired by a little bit of gore, animals with sass, and some mysterious forrest/woodland characters. Check out our different takes on these inspirations below!! Catch up with our collab in case you’ve missed something here: Intro Post // Vol.1 Looks
β’ VOL.2 β’ CARO’S LOOKS β’
My father’s a lion, my mother’s a fox, but all you need to know is that I’m Queen B at Primate Academy. I may dress like a fox, but cross me and my innate beastly side may just come out to play…

QUICK TIP: The easiest way to change up and style a wig is to hide and secure rollers.
I over heard these ladies talking at The Saks make-up counter, about this amazing ” Day Spa” on the cheap, I just had to try. They do everything; lips,boob, filler, botox, etc. It’s been a week since my procedures, I can’t feel my face, and these pills they gave me work wonders. I’m still bleeding a bit though, that’s normal right?

- With your contour, really outline the apples of your cheeks, blend as well or as harshly as you want. You control the drama.
- Next begin to outline the surgical guidelines, now some may be accurate, some may not but these can be as exaggerated as you like.
- Around certain areas [cheek lines, under eye, eye crease, jaw line, forehead] I applied matte purple eyeshadow, yellow eyeshadow, and green eyeshadow. You can make it blotchy and then blend out any sharp edges (always make the center of any bruise the most saturated!)
- Next I got my Ben Nye thick blood, also known as scabby blood. Has a texture of a softer beeswax. It’s very sticky, and can easily be piled on and tacked on.
- Feel free to choose where the blood goes. I got the idea of the “bloody cut crease” from Miss youtube sensation GLAM & GORE
- The final step is to make a botched up lip job. and well you can either skip this part and make large bright lips, or layer on (by brushing on) liquid latex. Try to smooth out as many parts by pressing down, or leave it gross and lumpy. Then apply some foundation, and powder, and you are set with botched uneven lips. I later added gloss for that weird oozing effect.
- Do note you may need some “Spirit Gum” (strong safe adhesive) to keep you lips on throughout the night.
- Lastly grab either bandages or towels and make a head wrap paired with a robe.
Few have seen her, many fear her, but she can’t help but hide within the woods, and her ghostly cloak. For every conjure tears of poison scar her lifeless skin…word within the village is, Ichabod Crane, knows where she hides…

β’ VOL.2 β’ LAURA’S LOOKS β’
A little delusion never hurts. She lives in a bubble gum forrest and deems herself queen of the castle. She eats glitter for breakfast, spends her days chasing fairies, and sleeps in a bed of tulle at night. Her life is perfection in every possible way. Yet there’s a little mystery behind her eyes, and when she realizes the truth is about to ooze out, she’s in for a quite a bumpy ride.

DIY 3 STEP CROWN (inspired by the amazing Mr.Kate):

- Use floral wire (which is very easy to shape, mold, & bend) to create the skeleton of your crown. Vary the heights of the points for a more whimsical feel.
- Take some textured yarn of your choice and wrap it around the entire wire crown. This is a little time consuming but well worth it. Plus no glue mess!
- Lastly, use strips of tulle (or any other adornment that works for your costume) to tie onto the crown as embellishments.
Her husband was on his way home from work in a fury. He called ahead to warn her but she couldn’t understand his string of raspy mumbles. She hung up and went back to her microwave tv dinner. A few moments later, he stumbled through the door and ran at her with arms extended, fingers curled, murmuring “Honey I’m home”, and then… a bite on the cheek. She turned. She wasn’t ready… should’ve made her last meal from scratch.

- Start off with your bare face. For this look, we’re going to be using our imperfections and almost exaggerating them, so no need to apply foundation and concealer to even things out. Major time saver!
- Grab a deep olive toned foundation and begin heavily contouring the face, neck, and chest area. Focus on sunken parts to make yourself look extra thin and add heavy shading in the eye sockets.
- To create the wounds, use liquid latex (or eyelash glue) and thin pieces of tissue or toilet paper. Apply the tissue over the latex in layers (letting the latex dry completely in between each layer).
- Next (CAREFULLY!) take a small pair of scissors or tweezers to poke holes in the wounds and start peeling them open.
- Finish off with grease paints and fake blood!
- For the full effect, dab some vaseline on your eyelids for a “greasy” sweaty look, and tease your hair ’till no return!
- Throw on anything from your closet, because with this look, you’re #insta-zombiefied
It’s not easy being this sassy. All she wants to do is be the next Hollywood star. Every casting director tells her she needs to lose the spots, tame the hair, stop eating all the catering. But a lady leopard doesn’t listen, she’s here to run her kingdom, one boudoir photo shoot at a time.

And that concludes VOL.2. More to come next week! In the meantime, check out the Intro, and Vol.1 posts to catch up.
Q U I C K β’ L I N K S :
INSTAGRAM:Β @laurajadepradoΒ +Β @blonde2brunette

Want to do your own version of a makeup look or DIY costume? We’d love to see it! Use the hashtag #FrightFemmes15 to share your look with us on Instagram… we’ll be picking our favorites to feature throughout the month of October!
Xx – Laura
PS: Check out Caro’s VOL.2 post over at Blonde2Brunette here!